


Silver Sponsor
Godo Shigen

Silver Sponsor
Chimica Centro

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor


Prestazione a titolo gratuito



(Also available in PDF format at this link)

Application for sponsorship can be made in writing with the application form to:

Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
At the attention of HALCHEM-IX secretary
Universita' degli Studi di Perugia
Via Fabretti, 48 - 06123 - PERUGIA
06124 Perugia
Ph. +39 075 5010078
E mail: halchemix@gmail.com

The application form in PDF format can be found at this link
The form must be filled in, signed and sent preferable by June 20th, 2019 to the organizers.
After this date neither an exhibition space nor publication in the conference advertisement tools (website, programme, abstract book, etc.) will be guaranteed.
The application form should be signed and returned with the payment receipt to the organizers.

If an invoice by an Italian contributor is needed, then the exposed sum must be added of IVA (+22%). In the case of a voluntary contribution, no invoice will be released.

The total amount with the signed application should be received before June 20th, 2019.

Payment by bank transfer.
Amount: Total of the selected package(s) + VAT (when required).
Beneficiary: Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
Bank: Unicredit - Agenzia Perugia Universita'.
Address: Via Fabretti n. 9  - 06123 Perugia (Italy)
Account IBAN: IT 18Y0200803043000104840188
Swift/Bic code: UNCRITM1J11

Bank charges and VATs (e.g. Iva22% for Italian companies) are the responsibility of the payee.


The Meeting and exhibition venue will be:
Aula Magna dell'Universita' degli Studi di Perugia



Exhibition Space
Allocation inclusive of 1 table with electric plugs.
Sponsor's logo on Symposia advertising materials (posters, flyers and book of abstract).
Sponsor's logo with hyperlink on the event website.
Company's advertising material inside the Conference bag

The Platinum sponsorship package includes No. 2 free registration fee and 1 slot for scientific presentation/ badges for sponsor's staff members (inclusive of: attendance to all scientific sessions, Opening Ceremony, Welcome Cocktail, Congress kit, coffees, lunches and social dinner). Sponsors may purchase extra registration fees for extra staff members or guests with a 20% discount on official fees.


Exhibition Space.
Allocation inclusive of 1 table with electric plugs.
Sponsor's logo on Symposia advertising materials (posters, flyers and book of abstract).
Sponsor's logo with hyperlink on the event website.
Company's advertising material inside the Conference bag

The Gold sponsorship package includes No. 1 free registration fee and 1 slot for scientific presentation/ badges for sponsor's staff members (inclusive of: attendance to all scientific sessions, Opening Ceremony, Welcome Cocktail, Congress kit, coffees, lunches and social dinner). Sponsors may purchase extra registration fees for extra staff members or guests with a 10% discount on official fees.


Exhibition Space.
Allocation inclusive of 1 table with electric plugs.
Sponsor's logo on Symposia advertising materials (posters, flyers and book of abstract).
Sponsor's logo with hyperlink on the event website.
Company's advertising material inside the Conference bag

The Silver sponsorship package do not include free registration fees but the possibility to have 1 slot for scientific presentation after the payment of a discounted registration
Sponsors may purchase registration fees for staff members or guests with a 20% discount on official fees.


Sponsor's logo on Symposia advertising materials (posters, flyers and book of abstract).
Sponsor's logo with hyperlink on the event website.
Company's advertising material inside the Conference bag
The Bronze sponsorship package do not include free registration fees but the possibility of 1 slot for scientific presentation after the payment of a discounted registration
Sponsors may purchase registration fees for staff members or guests with a 20% discount on official fees.


Take advantage of one of our attractive support packages to gain visibility at the conference:

1. Coffee Breaks served during the morning and afternoon sessions according to the Scientific Program. Each coffee break can be offered at a price of 200 Euros.

This supporting option includes:

- Possibility to distribute company's brochures and advertising materials during the coffee Break
- Sponsor's logo on the event website and in the book of abstract.

This sponsorship does not include free registration fees

2. Contribution for working Lunches served during the day of 24th and 25th.  Each working lunch can be offered at a price of 500 Euros.

This supporting option includes:
- Possibility to distribute company's brochures and advertising materials during the lunch.
- Sponsor's logo with hyperlink on the event website and in the book of abstract.
- This sponsorship does not include free registration fees

Sponsors may purchase registration fees for staff members or guests with a 20% discount on official fees.

3. Contribution for Welcome Cocktail and Social Dinner during the evening of 23thand 25th.  Each option can be offered at a price of 1000 Euro.

This supporting option includes:

- Possibility to distribute company's brochures and advertising materials during the Welcome Cocktail or the Social Dinner
- Sponsor's logo with hyperlink on the event website and in the book of abstract.
- Company's advertising material inside the Conference bag

This sponsorship does not include free registration fees.

Sponsors may purchase registration fees for staff members or guests with a 30% discount on official fees.

4. Contribute to the cost of bags, folders, pen drives, and printing, etc up to 500 Euros.
Visibility will be guaranteed through the post of sponsor's logo on the event website and in the book of abstract

5. Contribute to cover the registration fee of one invited speaker Each contribute can be offered at 300 euros. Visibility will be guaranteed through the post of sponsor's logo on the event website and in the book of abstract. Company's advertising material inside the Conference bag

6. Contribute to assign a "young-fellowship". This contribute will cover the registration fee of a young attendant selected by the scientific/organizing committee and can be offered at 200 Euros.
Visibility will be guaranteed through the post of sponsor's logo on the event website and in the book of abstract mentioning it as "company-fellowship"

 7. Contribute with sponsored materials [e.g. conference material for an estimated number of 100 attendants (bags, folders, pen drives, pens, notes, etc.); book for poster awards, others].
Visibility will be guaranteed through the post of sponsor's logo on the event website


Allocation of exhibition space
Space allocation will be made according to the desired sponsorship package. A completed application form should be sent by e-mail/fax to ensure reservation of the desired location. Upon receipt of the application form, space will be confirmed. Space allocations will be made in the order in which application forms are received.

Site inspections
Exhibitors and sponsors may visit the conference venue only by appointment. Please contact the secretary of the HALCHEM-IX

Liability for theft & damage    
For the entire Exhibition period, Exhibitors are directly responsible for supervising both their booths and their staff. The Organizers will not be liable for any theft or damage with regard to goods or materials on display in the exhibition space or otherwise present in the Exhibition area.
Care and surveillance of the exhibition space are the responsibility of their respective Exhibitors during the hours in which the Exhibition is open, both for the Exhibition itself and for the setting up and dismantling of the booths. Exhibitors will be held personally responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused for whatever reason by themselves or by any member of their staff. The Exhibitor is expected to have appropriated insurance policy covered by his own insurance company.
Quality of materials, electrical appliances and fire prevention: Exhibitors are obliged to use materials and electrical appliances quality and characteristics that meet existing CEI Rules. Each exhibitor shall be directly responsible for the observation of the fire prevention regulation.


Abstract submission deadline
June 30, 2019
Registration and Payment deadline
July 10, 2019


Symposium Secretariat  halchemix@gmail.com
Claudio Santi
Piazza Grimana